Did you know ?
Nearly 800 employees will move to Frépillon to this new state-of-the-art site at the forefront of innovation.
It will host the following 3 entities of the Cerba HealthCare group:
Cerba, specialized medical biology activity with a new technical platform of 17,000 m2.
New robotic chain of 120 meters connecting nearly a hundred devices for automated sample management.
Cerba Path, a medical office specializing in anatomo-cytopathology and a pioneer in the implementation of new technologies, with a technical platform of 1,360 m2.
Cerba Xpert, a CRO specialized in in vitro diagnostics, with 400m2 dedicated to the validation of new techniques.
This new laboratory aims to be environmentally friendly and will promote the well-being of each of our employees. We believe in corporate social and environmental responsibility, and this will be reflected in every aspect of our new facility.
Audrey Lannoy, Quality, Safety, and Environment Director at Cerba
Teresa Gouveia, Human Resources Director at Cerba & Cerba Xpert
Laetitia Massari, Human Resources Director at Cerba Path